DJ (6:51:58 PM) : there's a dali museum near tampa
DJ (6:52:00 PM) : it is pretty badass
DJ (6:52:11 PM) : too bad it is in tampa
bibliophile (6:53:04 PM) : yeah, the persistence of memory was on loan to them for a while but now it's back at the moma for this new exhibit
DJ (6:54:55 PM) : dude
DJ (6:55:00 PM) : the clocks
DJ (6:55:03 PM) : they're fucking melted
DJ (6:55:20 PM) : his art is what i imagine it would be like to be on peyote
bibliophile (6:55:31 PM) : yeah, and most of the time he was completely sober
DJ (6:55:33 PM) : they all look like they're out in the desert
DJ (6:55:49 PM) : i associate peyote with the desert for some reason
DJ (6:55:58 PM) : like it needs to be enjoyed in arizona, or maybe eastern nevada
bibliophile (6:56:58 PM) : well, i associate peyote with the desert because it's a cactus
bibliophile (6:57:19 PM) :
DJ (6:59:26 PM) : dude my grandpa has like infinity of those in his garage
bibliophile (6:59:54 PM) : cacti?
DJ (7:00:10 PM) : paintings of cacti
bibliophile (7:00:16 PM) : oh, haha
DJ (7:00:18 PM) : do you know what the hbi is
bibliophile (7:02:04 PM) : HeBrewIs?
DJ (7:02:14 PM) : hmm, no
DJ (7:02:19 PM) : it stands for Hot Beef Injection
bibliophile (7:02:23 PM) : haha
DJ (7:03:05 PM) : anyway we taught it to my uptight friend allison
bibliophile (7:03:28 PM) : mhmm
DJ (7:04:19 PM) : and every week or so, either me or george will leave a cryptic message on her wall
DJ (7:04:36 PM) : DJ wrote
at 8:11pm on May 29th, 2008
Have bebeh inya?
at 8:11pm on May 29th, 2008
Have bebeh inya?
DJ (7:04:44 PM) : DJ wrote
at 11:59pm on June 11th, 2008
any new HobBIes?
at 11:59pm on June 11th, 2008
any new HobBIes?
DJ (7:04:53 PM) : but i am proud of my most recent opus
DJ (7:05:02 PM) : DJ wrote
at 6:59pm
Hey! Boy, I have big issues here, but I have boldly insisted he buy it. How 'bout it?
at 6:59pm
Hey! Boy, I have big issues here, but I have boldly insisted he buy it. How 'bout it?
DJ (7:05:08 PM) : the best part is, she is probably flipping out
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