DJ (4:55:51 PM) : bong
bibliophile (4:56:00 PM) : bing
Auto Response from DJ
DJ (4:56:04 PM) : bang
bibliophile (4:56:48 PM) : beng
DJ (4:57:01 PM) : i dont think that is a word
DJ (4:57:05 PM) : simons 5, dayan 0
bibliophile (4:57:27 PM) : it wasn't supposed to be, so i'm taking that point back
DJ (4:57:35 PM) : fine with me
DJ (4:57:38 PM) : simons 5, dayan -1
bibliophile (4:57:38 PM) : but it probably is a word in some crazy foreign language
DJ (4:57:47 PM) : it sounds vietnamese to me
bibliophile (4:58:45 PM) : i feel if it were vietnamese it would be spelled bengh
bibliophile (4:58:53 PM) : because there are hella h's in their language
DJ (4:59:06 PM) : oh yeah
DJ (4:59:10 PM) : theyre all named pham
DJ (4:59:19 PM) : although phnom penh is in cambodia
DJ (4:59:32 PM) : the h in phnos isnt even pronounced
DJ (4:59:39 PM) : it isnt "fnom" it's "p'nom"
DJ (4:59:50 PM) : h is the most useless fucking letter
DJ (5:00:09 PM) : it barely ever makes a sound and when it does it sounds like a really old dog trying to jump on the couch
bibliophile (5:02:33 PM) : haha
bibliophile (5:03:06 PM) : i don't like h when it begins a word, like historical, because if you have to use "an" instead of "a"
bibliophile (5:03:15 PM) : i'm like, uh, i don't think so, h is not a vowel
DJ (5:03:45 PM) : yeah, it just feels vaguely, yet inexplicably guilty, like i did when i could see that preschool from the shower
DJ (5:04:27 PM) : i remember in my 6th grade history class, there was a poster of george bush sr. and the word to a speech he had given, and it contained "an historic" and i remember decideing then and there that i hated him
bibliophile (5:04:44 PM) : haha
bibliophile (5:04:50 PM) : awesome
DJ (5:05:23 PM) : H kind of is a vowel though
DJ (5:05:30 PM) : it's definitely the vowelliest of the consonants
DJ (5:05:37 PM) : except for maybe W
DJ (5:05:49 PM) : W is quite light in the loafers
DJ (5:05:56 PM) : W is the sean hayes of consonants
bibliophile (5:06:03 PM) : hahaha
DJ (5:06:03 PM) : and H is the tom cruise
DJ (5:06:57 PM) : and X is the morgan freeman
DJ (5:07:22 PM) : because even though few words begin with X, those that do usually get pronounced like "exavier"
bibliophile (5:08:05 PM) : hm
bibliophile (5:08:10 PM) : what letter is samuel l jackson?
DJ (5:08:23 PM) : R
DJ (5:08:29 PM) : i think we both know why.
DJ (5:08:44 PM) : or maybe K
bibliophile (5:10:27 PM) : i'm not satisfied with either of those
DJ (5:10:48 PM) : hmmmm
DJ (5:10:57 PM) : i was trying to allude to a gigantic wiener
DJ (5:11:05 PM) : those the the only letters with danglies
bibliophile (5:11:13 PM) : what about J
DJ (5:11:16 PM) : hmmmm
bibliophile (5:11:18 PM) : it's all dangly
DJ (5:11:24 PM) : nah hits too close to home, it's half my name
bibliophile (5:11:39 PM) : what's your middle name?
DJ (5:12:12 PM) : jacob
DJ (5:12:26 PM) : i was named after my frenchie grandpa, jacques
DJ (5:12:32 PM) : who was actually dutch
DJ (5:12:40 PM) : but he was still a frenchie
DJ (5:12:57 PM) : the daniel came from the dan in rocky raccoon
bibliophile (5:13:10 PM) : seriously?
DJ (5:13:28 PM) : yep
DJ(5:13:35 PM) : my dad thought it sounded badass
DJ (5:13:39 PM) : and he was partially right
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